The Sea Owl Association Reunion was held in Peoria, IL, to coincide with the United States Submarine Veterans' National Convention.
September 10-15, 2001
Standing left to right: Ed Peters EN 56-59, Raymond Rockers EN 56-58, William Whitelaw LTJG 54-56, Don Gregg QM 63-68, Bob Griffiths CS 58-61, Bob Laird EM 53-56, Jim Lieser ET 50-52, Mike Polhemus SO 54-57, Peter Bailey QM 54-56, Bob Ruppel MM 63-65, Frank Schell YN 66-68, Roy Purtell TM 66-69, Mike Maysonet TM 59-62, Bill Brinkman FN 59-60; Kneeling left to right: Jay Parr QM, Peter Ford EM 55-57, Don Clouse EM 52-54, Francis Rabaey TM 53-55, Capt. Lamar Taylor 52-55, Frank Limpert QM 47-51, John Leers YN 53-57; Missing from picture: Doug Jensen MM 63-66, Francis Payeur CS 51-53
This picture shows a very proud Capt. Lamar Taylor 52-55 with shipmates that were onboard with him.
Sitting left to right: John Leers YN 53-57, Captain Taylor, Bill Whitelaw LTJG 54-56
Standing left to right: Jim Lieser ET 50-52, Peter Bailey QM 54-56, Don Clouse EN 52-54, Francis Rabaey TM 53-55, Peter Ford EM 54-57, Bob Laird EM 53-56.
This image is the welcome that Caterpillar gave each shipmate that toured the Parts Distribution Center.
This was really a surprise.!!!
Here we are outside of the plant; no cameras were allowed inside. Woman in brown dress (right side) is a Caterpillar tour guide.
While visiting Rocky Rockers RV, I had to take these pictures.
The RV on the left is Raymond (Rocky) Rockers EN 56-58.
He says that while driving down the highway, he gets many people that will honk their horns while giving him a thumbs up.
The RV on the right was just another of many Submarine Veterans RVs that was using this park.
Peter Bailey QM 54-56 & his wife Debbie.
Don Clouse EN 52-54 & his wife Linda.
Peter Ford EM 54-57 & his wife Kathleen
Bob Griffiths CS 57-62 & his wife Pat
Francis Payeur CS 51-53 & his wife Shirley
Bob Laird EM 53-56 & his (Oh, wait, that's my wife) Carol |
Captain Lamar Taylor 52-55
With our wives that were there