The Sea Owl & Squadron 8 banners that you see in these pictures. Were made up by shipmate Doug Jensen.
Thanks Doug!!
Bob Ruppel, Captain Lamar Taylor, Roy Purtell,Tom Gilbert,Captain Herb Cherrier,Doug Jensen & Francis Rabaey
Former Commanding Officers
Herb Cherrier 66-68 & Lamar Taylor 52-55
Sea Owl Association Officers for 1999-2000
Roy Purtell, Ken Florey,John Leers
Captain Herb Cherrier speaks to the crew
Ed LaBreck speaks to the crew
The Hotel we stayed at was "Sands Regency" haven't a clue why sign says "Sands Regent"
Sea Owl 1st Mates
Having a good time!!
Tom Gilbert
Accepting certificate of appreciation given to him by members of USS Sea Owl Association
Greg Lee & his wife Elaine
Enjoying the company of Lamar Taylor (CO) 1952-55
Roy & Carol Purtell
Enjoying walking downtown Reno
On left is Peter Bailey, middle Francis & Grace Rabaey, on right is Debby Bailey (That's about as far as Francis ever let Grace get away from him)
John Leers, Robart Laird, Lamar Taylor, Francis Rabaey & Peter Bailey
Joe Zimmerman, Francis Rabaey & Dorothy Zimmerman